Commemorate and Celebrate this Holy Week and Easter Sunday
As the name suggests, Holy Week (the week before Easter) is the holiest week in the Christian calendar. During Holy Week, we commemorate the final days of Jesus’ life beginning with his entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and ending with his death on the cross and burial in the tomb.
Sunday, March 24: Palm Sunday
Experience the Passion and the Palms as Jesus rides into Jerusalem with shouts of “hosanna!” only to be led to his suffering on the cross.
- Worship at 9:00 am in the Family Center
- Worship at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary
Thursday, March 28: Maundy Thursday
We will meet with Jesus for the final time during the Last Supper in the upper room. Here, Jesus washes his disciples’ feet and gives His greatest commandment, to “love one another as I have loved you.”
- Worship at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Friday, March 29 Good Friday
To call this day “good” is contradiction as it’s the darkest and saddest day. Jesus is crucified, and we watch his agony with the women at the foot of the cross. For three hours, the sky becomes dark, and Jesus says his final words.
- Worship at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Sunday, March 31: Easter Sunday
Day breaks on the third day, and Mary and the women arrive at the tomb to find it empty. Confused, and not daring to believe, they gather the other disciples, who also can not believe. Jesus appears to Mary and the disciples, who finally believe that he has risen.
- Worship at sunrise outside, behind the church at the crosses in the yard.
Wear weather appropriate clothing and bring a lawn chair. - Worship at 9:00 am in the Family Center
- Worship at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary