Sermons from the Heart in Trying Times

About the Book

Parson’s Porch Books is delighted to present to you this series called Sermons Matter.

We believe that many of the best writers are pastors who take the role of preacher seriously. Week in, and week out, they exegete scripture, research material, write and deliver sermons in the context of the life of their particular congregation in their given community.

We further believe that sermons are extensions of Holy Scripture which need to be published beyond the manuscripts which are written for delivery each Sunday. Books serve as a vehicle for the sermon to continue to proclaim the Good News of the Morning to a broader audience.

Steve Starzer provides a good example of what it is a preacher is giving us when we “read” him preach. His thoughtful and Biblically based sermons extend his Sunday morning delivery of each sermon to a book.

We celebrate the wonderful occasion of the preaching event in Christian worship when the Pastor speaks, the People listen and the Work of the Church proceeds.

Take, Read, and Heed.

David Russell Tullock, M.Div., D.Min.

Publisher Parson’s Porch Books

Author: Rev. Dr. Steve Starzer
Series: Sermons Matter, Book 2
Genres: Christian Living, Sermon Collection
Publisher: Parson's Porch
Publication Year: 2021
ASIN: 1951472950
ISBN: 9781951472955
List Price: 19.95
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Rev. Dr. Steve Starzer

Steve Starzer is Senior Pastor of Fairfield Presbyterian Church in Mechanicsville, Virginia. Steve is a graduate of Wheaton College, Princeton Theological Seminary, and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary with his doctorate. He is married to Deborah Dabback Starzer, and they have two adult children, Courtney and Chad.

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