The Hungry Games! Family Vacation Bible School

At Fairfield we are hungry to learn more about Christ!  Each of us have an important role as a believer within the church body, so come and join us August 20th to learn more about this through games, a scavenger hunt, music, cookout and more!  This is not your traditional VBS-it is VBS with an added bonus-it includes whole family!  You don’t want to miss this!

4-6:15pm:  Music, Games, Skits, Scavenger Hunt

6:15 and on:  Cookout in the Melton Pavilion

Click here to Register for the Hungry Games

Ephesians 4:16

16 and the whole body depends on him. All the parts of the body are joined and held together, with each part doing its own work. This causes the whole body to grow and to be stronger in love.

Contact Angela Blue with Questions: